Tuesday, July 31, 2012


I placed my hand lightly on the wall closing my eyes. My body stayed where it was but I moved through the rooms of the large building coming to a stop in the entry way. A man stood in the door way as a maid shut the door.
"Where is she?" He asked as the maid took his coat.
"Miss will be with you shortly," the maid replied, "please wait in the study." The man nodded walking into a room close by. I pulled my hand off the wall and moved down the hall to a cabinet close by. I looked around then opened the door and stepped into the dark passage way. I pulled the door shut and walked down the passage way to a ladder then climbed down coming to a dead end. I reached out causing the book shelf to open and the man looked up.
The man smiled, "hello dear." I closed the book shelf scowling at the man as I sat behind the desk.
"What do you want Mr. Smith?" I asked.
"We need your help," he stated sitting across from me.
I rolled my eyes, "you always need my help Smith."
He pulled out an envelope slidding it onto the desk, "This time it involves you." I frowned grabbing the envelope opening. pictures spilled onto the desk and I gasped looking away. Each one was a different picture of a girl with short red hair.
"She was found dead in the canal a week ago," he stated.
"And you just barely telling me this!?" I shouted throwing the pictures at him, "you know she was my friend!"
"The boss wouldn't let us," he stated, "I assume you're in?"
"Get out," I growled pointing at the door. He sighed getting up leaving the room and I looked down at the pictures sadly.

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